KCL Lecture Recordings
These are the unedited versions of the KCL lectures that took place this past year. For the fully edited versions please click on the button below to take you to the KCL Website.

Key Stage 5 A Level Ancient History KCL Talk - 'Things to do with the "things done": Examining Augustus' Res Gestae', Dr James Corke-Webster
Dr James Corke-Webster talks about different aspects of the Res Gestae. It was an excellent talk! Please note this is a recording of a talk given in-person in a school. Due to the angle of the recording (for child-protection purposes) it isn't possible to see the slides, but hopefully the talk is clear. The recording was stopped before the Q&A part of the talk.

Key Stage 5 English and Classics KCL Talk - 'How Studying Classics Changed My Life', Jennifer Saint, Best selling author of Ariadne and Elektra
Bestselling author Jennifer Saint talks about how the study of Classics influenced her life and career. Her novels Ariadne and Elektra are female-centred retellings of Greek mythology which were published in 2021 and 2022.Ariadne, her debut novel, was shortlisted for Waterstones Book of the Year in 2021 and was their Book of the Month in January 2022 while Elektra entered the Sunday Times bestseller chart at #1. Jennifer discusses her love of Greek mythology and how following her passion led to her success. (Please note, the first 10 minutes are a short introduction to the Classics Department at KCL.)

Key Stage 5 English and Classics KCL Talk - 'The Great Gatsby' and 'The Dinner of Trimalchio': Decadence in New York and Ancient Rome, Dr Emily Pillinger
This talk shows how one of the greatest loved American novels of the twentieth century emerged from Fitzgerald's reading of a much less well-known ancient Roman novel by Petronius. It explores how both novels speak to the inequality, corruption, and cynicism of their contemporary worlds, and in the process demonstrates to students that the combined study of English and Classics is a rich and valuable degree focus.

Key Stage 5 A Level Ancient History KCL Talk - Julio-Claudian Period Study: 'Nero and the Agrippina Murder Mystery', Professor Dominic Rathbone
The 30-minute talk will address the Ancient History A level compulsory period study ‘ The Julio-Claudian Emperors, 31 BC–AD 68’ with a particular focus on our sources on Nero’s reign and the death of Agrippina.

Key Stage 5 A Level Ancient History KCL Talk - Greek Period Study Talks and Discussion, Dr Lindsay Allen and Dr Irene Polinskaya
The talks start with a brief presentation by Dr Pavlos Avlamis about the Classics Department at KCL (5-10 minutes) and then there are about 45 minutes between Dr Allen and Dr Polinskaya.
The presentation opens with a general introduction to the historical period covered in the Greek period study. This introduction is followed by two paired focused discussions: Dr Allen has 15 minutes on Persian sources on the specification in relation to the topic; Dr Polinskaya concludes with 15 minutes on Greek sources. Click here (Dr Allen's section) and here (Dr Polinskaya's second section) for two teaching resources that have been designed by teachers to be used alongside this video.

Key Stage 5 A Level Ancient History KCL Talk - Optional depth study: 'Ruling Roman Britain, AD 43–c.128’, Dr John Pearce
This talk focused on the Optional Depth Study, Roman Britain, and looked at the Vindolanda Tablets, and other aspects of Roman Britain included on the A Level syllabus. Click here for a teaching resource that has been designed by teachers to be used alongside this video, including a summary of the video and a lesson plan and ideas for discussion.

GCSE Classical Civilisation Teacher CPD Talk: Women in Athenian State Religion, by Dr Ellie Mackin Roberts
This is the recording of a CPD session that was delivered to teachers on GCSE Classical Civilisation, relating to the Women in the Ancient World aspect of the GCSE course. It can be used with students, as well as being for teachers to enhance their own subject knowledge.